Building Hope through the Little Angels Academies
Being a Catalyst: A shot of energy
Prity and Manisha: two new entrepreneurs from the Green Village West Bengal
Fostering Change Through Collaboration: LP4Y Chennai and Dance Extreme
Center visit: an occasion for the Youth to develop their professional skills
Welcome to LP4Y Training & Development Center in Chennai
Tasmiya: becoming master of the data to financially support her family
Margaret: ready to face challenges to achieve her dreams
The Next Asana Flea Market
Y. Amutha: a better life and education for her children
Finding strength in LP4Y's training: Kaviya's story
Life Project Plan Presentations
Entrepreneurs' Day Reportage
Interview partner LP4Y - Société Générale Chennai
I can definitely do anything !
You have to jump and see what happens !
Never stop learning
Professional integration through the Stars Club
Not being alone with my professional problems, a testimony of Tejaswini
Being a mentee in LP4Y