After a shift from business to social work and numerous volunteer engagements in France and abroad for children's causes, I now find myself working with LP4Y to coordinate their 3 Little Angels Academies (LAA), which are nurseries.
From the start, my enthusiasm for this project was evident. As I told John, the founder of LP4Y, "It's the LAAs or nothing!" His response was just what I hoped for: "OK Marion, the LAAs are a project dear to the Catalysts, and we need help to get it back on its feet!" Challenge accepted!
The LAAs are one of the many innovative initiatives of LP4Y. As 85% of the Youth supported by LP4Y are young women, often young mothers, it was therefore obvious they needed help to take care of their children while they followed the LP4Y program. The goal is to enable these mothers to focus on their training and find decent work so they can offer a better life to their children.

For me, education is the starting point for a successful adult life. My ambition is to make the LAAs a place where every child has the opportunity to get a good start in life. In these nurseries, we don't just welcome the children of excluded young mothers; we offer them a safe environment where they can play, learn, thrive through various activities, and receive healthy meals. Each month, a medical check-up is organized to ensure everything is going well, as health problems in slums are numerous: malnutrition, pollution, unsanitary conditions. We also organize monthly excursions so the children can experience activities outside the slums — things their parents couldn't afford.
Though I am extremely motivated, the task is immense. The LAAs are located in three different countries: one in Kathmandu, Nepal; one in Tondo, Manila in the Philippines; and one in Chennai, India, where I’m based. Six LAA Catalysts are responsible for the daily care of the children in these nurseries. My role is to ensure everything runs smoothly, despite the unique challenges of each location.

In Chennai, when I first took on the role, the situation was tough. Children were often half-naked because diapers were too expensive, their hair was messed up and infested with lice, and their little milk teeth were full of cavities. But despite these difficulties, their welcome was warm, full of laughter and smiles. I still remember Sham, a baby who was crying. Without hesitation, they put him in my arms, and before I knew it, his chocolate-covered mouth had stained my white t-shirt! Not the smartest choice of outfit, but I was there, finally on the field for a social mission; a lifelong goal realized. With a lot of work, things improved.
The white walls of the LAA are now colorful with the children's drawings, and thanks to the awareness sessions for mothers led by the LAA Catalysts, chocolate and junk food have been replaced by healthier snacks. With the medical check-up, the children were sent to the dentist.
In the Philippines, another challenge awaited me. When I arrived at the LAA, I discovered that we had more cockroaches than children! The children did not seem bothered, playing hide-and-seek with them; a scene that, while common in the Philippines (I even saw street children walking cockroaches on leashes!), was not acceptable. It was clear the building was becoming unsanitary. My priority was to find a new place. In less than two months, we moved to a new location, thanks to the incredible commitment of the LAA Catalysts; Mariechu, Anabelle and her husband. It was not easy; my Birkenstocks still carry the memory of the white paint we used to repaint the walls! Today, the children are in a much healthier environment.

In Nepal, the situation is different. The challenges are fewer, but managing a large number of young children remains a demanding task.
The Little Angels Academies are much more than just a project for me. They represent a mission that deeply inspires me and pushes me to get up every morning with enthusiasm.
These nurseries offer the children of marginalized mothers a space where they can flourish, learn, and grow safely. The LAAs are a bridge to a future where exclusion has no place, where every child, no matter where they come from, has the right to a good start in life.