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Making the world a better place

Carlos Walter,

biomedical engineer,

General Electric

Hi all! I’m Carlos Walter, a Mexican Biomedical Engineer doing a Leadership program in General Electric Healthcare.

You probably wonder what my story is doing here. I do so too.

A couple of months after I joined GE, I was invited to a call where they needed volunteers for a project that was changing the world for a lot of people. I decided to join to understand what they meant by “changing the world” and how I could contribute. As soon as they started, they introduced LP4Y, how they operate, what they do, and how they are, with no question, changing the world. I immediately wanted to be in, I wanted to be a part of such an amazing project. I wanted to help change the world.

The way I did that was by creating educational content for the Youth centers, along with a great group of volunteers from all over the world, connected by one common thing; we were all employees of General Electric who wanted to collaborate with LP4Y. I started creating one small introduction to public speaking and storytelling, which is, at least in my opinion, one of the most important skills that need to be developed. Once I got started, I realized a brief introduction was not going to be enough, so I decided to create a couple sessions for the topic. The result was a five-session program with different topics, all related to the selected skills. The rest of the volunteers also created amazing programs for different skills, like how to create a CV, Excel skills, brand management, among others.

The content that we created was going to be used with the instructors in centers welcoming the Youth. Unfortunately though, a new world crisis that is reshaping everything we used to know started; the pandemic known as COVID-19. Because of this, LP4Y, along with the team that coordinated GE volunteers, had to work fast to try to adapt to these new conditions. I was lucky enough to be invited as part of the amazing team that works directly with LP4Y and coordinates volunteers from GE, a small team of real-life heroes within the company that calls themselves “Youthful team”.

We started working on switching the content we had created, as well as some other content created by the incredible pedagogy team from LP4Y, into digital programs that can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. More volunteers joined the cause, and they are currently working hard to create the programs on the digital platform and creating new content for the youth.

It has been an amazing opportunity, and I am grateful every day, both for being able to volunteer for the Youth Team and the LP4Y organization. I can say, with no question, that this whole experience and collaboration has changed my world for the better.

We still don’t know what the effect of COVID will be in everyone’s lives, but one thing we know for sure is that, by doing this small actions, and having the courses on a digital platform, we are becoming participants of the actions that are making the world a better place, with the Youth Team and LP4Y leading the change.


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