Every week we share with you some content to entertain your weekend and fill your brain with some food for thoughts! This Salad bowl is a mix of different volunteers’ suggestions with a pinch of their personality in it!
Get up on your feet and let’s work out!

Madfit - Youtube Channel
Different kinds of sessions (low impact - HIIT, etc.) and songs workout!
EClub Decathlon
Free video to follow session from a Domyos Gym Club, a pretty famous brand of Decathlon! Be careful you can only benefit from it for free until the end of April!
Podcast - Des hommes violents

[French content]
Condamnés par le tribunal pour violences conjugales, ces douze hommes sont contraints par la justice de participer à un groupe de parole pendant six mois. Tous viennent d’univers différents : l'un est un homme d’affaires à succès, un autre à la recherche d’emploi, un autre tient un garage... Ils commencent par clamer unanimement leur innocence ou par refuser de reconnaître leurs torts. Puis évoluent, ou pas. Ce podcast s’attache séance après séance à suivre leur avancée, à partir à leur rencontre, à les écouter. Il est nourri des propres interrogations du narrateur, Mathieu Palain, sur le mouvement #metoo et la question des masculinités aujourd’hui. Et mis en perspective par trois récits de victimes.
Movie night!

Online Movie Festival !
Boiler room is launching its online festival to plunge into the around-the-world counter-culture with several short films and movies, available from 16th April to 18th May.
Netflix - Sand Storm
“Heart Stopper” ♥️

“Sand Storm” mainly takes place behind closed doors in a Bedouin village in the Negev Desert. The drama turns on the ways men in a tradition-bound Arab culture enjoy the benefits of a way of life that oppresses women, who in turn oppress each other. In short, it’s a fairly familiar critique of patriarchy from a humanist and feminist perspective, but one put across with some very impressive filmmaking skills by a first-time director.At the 2016 Sundance Film Festival it won the Grand Jury Prize in the World Cinema Dramatic section.[4] It won the Best Film Award at the Ophir Awards.
La Cinémathèque [French Content]
“Cette mise en ligne d'une infime partie de notre collection, celle dont nous possédons les droits de diffusion, répond bien sûr à un contexte très particulier, l'épidémie de Covid-19 et le confinement, mais aussi à la volonté de diffuser le plus largement possible quelques pépites méconnues du patrimoine cinématographique. Très attachée à la projection et à l'émotion partagée dans une salle, la Cinémathèque poursuit ainsi sa mission de transmission et de découverte.
Tous les soirs, à 20h30 et à cette adresse, nous vous proposerons donc un film parmi ceux que la Cinémathèque a restaurés au cours des vingt dernières années. Le site s'enrichit ainsi quotidiennement de merveilles, souvent rares, voire inédites, qui resteront disponibles jusqu'au retour des beaux jours, quand nos salles pourront rouvrir.”
Vous pouvez par ailleurs revoir quelques 800 vidéos (leçons de cinéma avec les plus grands cinéastes, acteurs, actrices et technicien.nes au monde ; essais ; conférences...) mais aussi relire plus de 500 articles et sites web développés par nos équipes.
Inspiring newsletters and websites

The New Humanitarian
The New Humanitarian puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. They report from the heart of conflicts and disasters to inform prevention and response with ++ To subscribe to their weekly roundup newsletter !!
http://www.convergences.org/en/ Launched in 2008, Convergences is the first platform for thought in Europe that aims at building new convergences between public, private, and solidarity-based actors to promote the Sustainable Development Goals and the development of a world “Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty.”
The scope of interest is wide ranging: sustainable development, international development, solidarity-based and inclusive finance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), social entrepreneurship, social and solidarity economy, and new technologies for change.
++ Their 3Zero weekly newsletter
ReliefWeb is a humanitarian information service provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ReliefWeb's editorial team monitors and collects information from more than 4,000 key sources, including humanitarian agencies at the international and local levels, governments, think-tanks and research institutions, and the media.
++ Global geopolitics oriented !
Go back to school!

During the lockdown, Harvard university is suggesting to open some of its courses ONLINE. You can choose between around 50 diversified kinds of courses. I chose to follow “The Health Effects of climate change” and “Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies”
It depends on the topic and the teachers, but usually it takes 3 to 5 hours a week, you have some quiz at the end of each session and sometimes assignments also ! Sometimes the course did not start yet, that is why you can only subscribe but not access them yet.
All is free, except if you want to get a verified certificate or to keep the course after it expires (2months after the end of the course approximately)

Who never dreamt of travelling with a time machine to discover new waves of music ? Have you ever felt you were born the wrong decade or in the wrong country regarding the music style ? Thanks to this radio online, you can choose your country and the decade you want and listen to the music released that time!
TedX content !

A guerilla gardener in South Central LA | Ron Finley
[English content, French Subtitles]
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."
Be the Change in the Messed up World
Individual actions can amount to change at a large scale. In his talk, Rob explains how this applies to environmentally friendly living. His extreme activism initiatives, such as the “Trash Me” campaign he ran in New York in 2016, are meant to awaken our consciousness on the impact our actions have on the planet. Rob invites us to commit to small daily changes to become the change we wish to see in the world.