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  • Our feelings about the lockdown

    The Stars of the Life Project Center of Pahar Ganj in Delhi, India: Nitin Oliver Malik, 24yo - Kshitij Kumar, 19yo - Subi Khan, 24yo - Akshay Gupta,18yo - Akhilesh Kumar, 20yo - Lokesh Kumar, 22y - Tarun Kumar, 21yo - Amaan Khan, 18yo - Shyamveer Singh, 21yo.

  • GET INSPIRED! (please)

    Every week we share with you some content to entertain your weekend and fill your brain with some food for thoughts! This Salad bowl is a mix of different volunteers’ suggestions with a pinch of their personality in it! Get up on your feet and let’s work out! Madfit - Youtube Channel Different kinds of sessions (low impact - HIIT, etc.) and songs workout! EClub Decathlon Free video to follow session from a Domyos Gym Club, a pretty famous brand of Decathlon! Be careful you can only benefit from it for free until the end of April! Podcast - Des hommes violents [French content] Condamnés par le tribunal pour violences conjugales, ces douze hommes sont contraints par la justice de participer à un groupe de parole pendant six mois. Tous viennent d’univers différents : l'un est un homme d’affaires à succès, un autre à la recherche d’emploi, un autre tient un garage... Ils commencent par clamer unanimement leur innocence ou par refuser de reconnaître leurs torts. Puis évoluent, ou pas. Ce podcast s’attache séance après séance à suivre leur avancée, à partir à leur rencontre, à les écouter. Il est nourri des propres interrogations du narrateur, Mathieu Palain, sur le mouvement #metoo et la question des masculinités aujourd’hui. Et mis en perspective par trois récits de victimes. Movie night! Online Movie Festival ! Boiler room is launching its online festival to plunge into the around-the-world counter-culture with several short films and movies, available from 16th April to 18th May. Netflix - Sand Storm “Heart Stopper” ♥️ “Sand Storm” mainly takes place behind closed doors in a Bedouin village in the Negev Desert. The drama turns on the ways men in a tradition-bound Arab culture enjoy the benefits of a way of life that oppresses women, who in turn oppress each other. In short, it’s a fairly familiar critique of patriarchy from a humanist and feminist perspective, but one put across with some very impressive filmmaking skills by a first-time director.At the 2016 Sundance Film Festival it won the Grand Jury Prize in the World Cinema Dramatic section.[4] It won the Best Film Award at the Ophir Awards. La Cinémathèque [French Content] “Cette mise en ligne d'une infime partie de notre collection, celle dont nous possédons les droits de diffusion, répond bien sûr à un contexte très particulier, l'épidémie de Covid-19 et le confinement, mais aussi à la volonté de diffuser le plus largement possible quelques pépites méconnues du patrimoine cinématographique. Très attachée à la projection et à l'émotion partagée dans une salle, la Cinémathèque poursuit ainsi sa mission de transmission et de découverte. Tous les soirs, à 20h30 et à cette adresse, nous vous proposerons donc un film parmi ceux que la Cinémathèque a restaurés au cours des vingt dernières années. Le site s'enrichit ainsi quotidiennement de merveilles, souvent rares, voire inédites, qui resteront disponibles jusqu'au retour des beaux jours, quand nos salles pourront rouvrir.” Vous pouvez par ailleurs revoir quelques 800 vidéos (leçons de cinéma avec les plus grands cinéastes, acteurs, actrices et technicien.nes au monde ; essais ; conférences...) mais aussi relire plus de 500 articles et sites web développés par nos équipes. Inspiring newsletters and websites The New Humanitarian The New Humanitarian puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. They report from the heart of conflicts and disasters to inform prevention and response with ++ To subscribe to their weekly roundup newsletter !! Convergence Launched in 2008, Convergences is the first platform for thought in Europe that aims at building new convergences between public, private, and solidarity-based actors to promote the Sustainable Development Goals and the development of a world “Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty.” The scope of interest is wide ranging: sustainable development, international development, solidarity-based and inclusive finance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), social entrepreneurship, social and solidarity economy, and new technologies for change. ++ Their 3Zero weekly newsletter Reliefweb ReliefWeb is a humanitarian information service provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ReliefWeb's editorial team monitors and collects information from more than 4,000 key sources, including humanitarian agencies at the international and local levels, governments, think-tanks and research institutions, and the media. ++ Global geopolitics oriented ! Go back to school! During the lockdown, Harvard university is suggesting to open some of its courses ONLINE. You can choose between around 50 diversified kinds of courses. I chose to follow “The Health Effects of climate change” and “Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies” It depends on the topic and the teachers, but usually it takes 3 to 5 hours a week, you have some quiz at the end of each session and sometimes assignments also ! Sometimes the course did not start yet, that is why you can only subscribe but not access them yet. All is free, except if you want to get a verified certificate or to keep the course after it expires (2months after the end of the course approximately) RadiooOoOoOoOo Who never dreamt of travelling with a time machine to discover new waves of music ? Have you ever felt you were born the wrong decade or in the wrong country regarding the music style ? Thanks to this radio online, you can choose your country and the decade you want and listen to the music released that time! TedX content ! A guerilla gardener in South Central LA | Ron Finley [English content, French Subtitles] Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys." Be the Change in the Messed up World Individual actions can amount to change at a large scale. In his talk, Rob explains how this applies to environmentally friendly living. His extreme activism initiatives, such as the “Trash Me” campaign he ran in New York in 2016, are meant to awaken our consciousness on the impact our actions have on the planet. Rob invites us to commit to small daily changes to become the change we wish to see in the world.

  • Continuing to marvel

    [English version below] Life Project 4 Youth construit depuis 2009, dans les 14 pays de l’Alliance (réseau international d’organisations locales) un écosystème entièrement dédié à l’intégration sociale & professionnelle de Jeunes adultes en situation de grande précarité et frappés d’exclusion. Afin d’être au plus près de ces Jeunes, LP4Y a développé au cœur ou à proximité des bidonvilles, des incubateurs de projets entrepreneuriaux, les Life Project Centers (LPC) en milieu urbain et les Green Villages (GV) en milieu rural, où les Jeunes suivent un parcours pédagogique, accompagnés par un coach. Depuis près d’un mois maintenant, les Centres LP4Y ont dû cesser leurs activités, et nos équipes, restées sur le terrain, doivent inventer de nouveaux modes d’accompagnement pour ces Jeunes qui sont les premiers touchés par les conséquences de cette crise sanitaire et économique mondiale. Continuons de nous émerveiller Lorsque nous avons pris la décision de cesser les activités en présentiel au sein des Centres, nous connaissions le défi qu’il nous faudrait relever : conserver le lien avec les Jeunes et maintenir la détermination de tous. Un défi de taille puisque nous avons dû demander aux Jeunes de rentrer chez eux afin de respecter les mesures de confinement. Ils nous ont paru bien vides les Life Project Centers et les Greens Villages une fois les Jeunes partis… C’est alors que nous avons eu l’idée de cette gazette interne : un espace de partage où nous pourrions publier, chaque semaine, des témoignages, des tranches de vie et des portraits. Et ainsi, grâce à ces Paroles de Jeunes et de Catalystes, cette énergie prodigieuse, si caractéristique de notre mouvement, pourrait continuer de se répandre. Mille idées, mille actions, le manège ne s’arrêtera pas de tourner. Car la vie continue toujours, partout, pour tous, même en situation "extrême" - d’extrême pauvreté, d’extrême exclusion, et aujourd’hui on peut le dire, même en situation de "crise-sanitaire-et-économique-d’envergure-mondiale". Aujourd’hui nous réaffirmons notre engagement. Il suffit d’une respiration pour répandre le Coronavirus sur l’ensemble du globe. De même il suffit de jeter un regard, oui de le voir, de le faire voir, pour qu’un Jeune s’ouvre et se décide à changer de vie. Et si nous ne pouvons plus partager le même air, cela ne nous empêchera pas de respirer ensemble. Nous continuerons de souffler pour que la Terre ne s’arrête pas de tourner. Protégeons-nous, portons des masques mais ne cessons pas d’aimer, de penser, de découvrir, de faire naître ; ne cessons pas d’oser, ne cessons pas de soutenir et d’écouter. Le covid-19 finira par cesser de s’étendre, pas notre émerveillement. Nous ne finirons jamais d’être étonné par la force et le talent de tous ces Jeunes. A présent c’est avec vous que nous souhaitons partager les plus belles de ces histoires. Plus que jamais les Jeunes ont besoin d’être vus et entendus. Alors, vous qui suivez les actions LP4Y et qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre, êtes attentifs à la question de l’intégration sociale et professionnelle des plus exclus, laissez-vous porter et inspirer par les témoignages de tous ces Jeunes qui continuent à aller de l’avant et à faire des plans pour leur futur ! Des histoires inspirantes pour tous, en ces temps de profonds bouleversements. Pour en savoir plus sur les mesures mises en place sur le terrain afin de répondre à la crise retrouvez ici notre dernier point de situation. Rejoignez-nous aussi pour les traditionnelles réunions LP4Y du mois de mai qui se dérouleront cette année en ligne et seront nourries d’interventions de Catalystes sur le terrain et de retour de mission ou encore de témoignages de Partenaires. Vous recevrez une invitation très prochainement. Le 5 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Luxembourg, le 7 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Bruxelles, le 12 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Londres, le 14 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Lille, le 19 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Paris, le 24 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Côte d’Azur, Et le 28 mai avec l’équipe LP4Y Lyon. Since 2009 and across the 14 countries of the Alliance (an international network of local organizations), Life Project 4 Youth has been building an ecosystem entirely dedicated to the social and professional integration of excluded Youth living in extreme poverty. LP4Y has developed Life Project Centers (LPC) in urban areas and Green Villages (GV) in rural areas. These centers and villages, in or near slums, in close proximity to the Youth, are incubators for entrepreneurial projects, where the Youth follow educational training accompanied by a coach. Almost one month ago, the LP4Y Centers had to cease their activities and our teams, still on the field, have to find new ways of supporting the Youth who are the first to be affected by this global health and economic crisis. Continuing to marvel When we decided to stop face-to-face activities within the Centers, we knew the challenge we would face: how to keep in touch with the Youth and maintain everyone’s momentum and commitment. This is a major challenge since the Youth were required to return to their homes in order to respect the containment measures. The Life Project Centers and Greens Villages seemed very empty once they had left… And that’s when we had the idea of creating this internal gazette: a weekly space for sharing where we could publish testimonies, accounts of daily life and portraits. And so, thanks to these Words from our Youth and Catalysts, this extraordinary energy, so characteristic of our movement, can continue to spread. Thousands of ideas, thousands of acts, the ride keeps spinning. Because life doesn’t stop, it keeps going, everywhere, for everyone, even in an "extreme" situation - extreme poverty, extreme exclusion, and today we can say it, even in an extreme global health and economic crisis. Today we reaffirm our commitment. One breath is enough to spread the Coronavirus all over the world. And in the same way, one look is enough to see the excluded Youth, to make them see, so that they open themselves to opportunity and decide to change their life. And even if we can no longer share the same air, that doesn’t stop us from breathing together. We will continue to blow so that the Earth keeps spinning. We must protect ourselves and wear masks but we must not stop loving, thinking, discovering, having children; we mustn’t stop daring, supporting and listening. Covid-19 will eventually stop spreading, but our wonder will continue to spread. We will never stop being amazed by the strength and talent of all these young people. We now wish to share the best of these stories. More than ever, the Youth need to be seen and heard. So, those of you who follow LP4Y’s actions and who, in one way or another, are alert to the issue of social and professional integration of the most excluded, let yourself be carried away and inspired by the testimonies of all the Youth who continue their progress, making plans for their future! These are inspirational stories for all, at a time of profound upheaval. To find out more about responses to the crisis in the field, find our last update here. Join us for the traditional LP4Y meetings in May which this year will take place online and will be enriched by contributions from Catalysts in the field or returning from mission and by testimonials from Partners. Invitations will be sent out shortly. May 5 with the LP4Y Luxembourg team, May 7 with the LP4Y Brussels team, May 12 with the LP4Y London team, May 14 with the LP4Y Lille team, May 19 with the LP4Y Paris team, May 24 with the LP4Y Côte d'Azur team, And on May 28 with the LP4Y Lyon team.

  • What does it mean for me to be a woman ? #3

    Khin Pa Pa Myo, 22yo, Management Step, Cotton 4 You program, her sister Khin Tazin Aye, 20yo, Responsibility Step, Myanmade program and their grandmother Daw Bo Ma, 73yo - LPC Hlaing Thar Yar, Myanmar “We were both born in the house where we still live now, in Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon, this is our home and it is impossible to imagine living somewhere else! This is our grandmother’s home, it is full of life, many children, uncles and aunts live here together, it is a happy place. We live in a separate house just behind, with our mother, father and one of our brothers. We both admire our brother Tun Tun, he is a very important person in our life. He is nice, smiling, friendly and funny, and most of all, he is successful and a good person of the community. He works for a local NGO and this is very inspiring for us, he pushes us to be smart and to work for our dreams. Our grandmother was born in Thaketa, another district in Yangon, her grandparents came from India. She loves speaking indian language, and that’s why we all learn this language in our home. She moved to Hlaing Thar Yar with her husband and their 6 children in 1990. She loves to be surrounded by children, that is why she is so happy.” For you, what does it mean to be a woman? Khin Pa Pa Myo’s point of view: “For me, to be a woman is everything. You have many responsibilities, you need to take care of others, to be a good mother, to worry a lot. You must be careful all the time, when your family is hurt, you are hurt too and that is difficult to manage sometimes. But you must be strong and not show what you feel too much! That is why I like to be surrounded by other women, we support each other. My grandmother Daw Bo Ma is 73 years old. She is not very healthy now and she needs to rest a lot, so my sister and I help her in the house. She loves watching TV, laughing with her friends, and playing with her grandchildren. She is very funny. She is a good cook, she makes delicious indian food! She is a very inspiring and strong woman. I love her so much!” Khin Tazin Aye’s point of view: “To be a woman means that you need to be kind and helpful, it is difficult because you need to try and fail and try again, you need to be strong, you have a lot of responsibilities, but it is an honor to be a woman. My grandmother is afraid of hospitals, and she loves watching Bollywood movies on TV! I think she is a very strong woman, she has always worked hard at home to take care of her children and now of her grandchildren! I admire her, she is strong, friendly and always cheerful, she is always smiling! Daw Bo Ma’s point of view: “For me, being a woman is being a mother. I admire my mother for teaching me all I needed to know in my life. She taught me how to swim, how to sew, how to do accounting, to be a good mother and to have a lot of patience. These skills made me a strong woman. I hope my granddaughters are learning these skills from me too. I always advise them to be respectful and thankful for their lives. We are very lucky to be healthy and to have a roof, it is important to recognize this, not all people around us have this luck. So I tell them to smile, that is my advice and to be patient and study a lot.” See the answer of Mary Joyce Parco, 22 years old, Responsibility Step, Fashion 4 Youth program, Payatas, Manila, Philippines >> here See the answer of Saraswati Soren, 26yo, Management Step, Green Village Kathmandu, Nepal >> here

  • My journey from the countryside of Vietnam to Decathlon

    Thiên Nguyễn, 23 yo, Management Step Revival program, HCMC, Vietnam What did I do before LP4Y Everyone has a story of his life, me too. So I will tell you about my story. I hope my story can inspire you a little bit. I was born in the countryside of Vietnam, in Dong Nai province. The place is poor, almost everyone here are farmers. It’s so far away from the city. When I was 14 years old, I couldn't continue living in my home town because my father died. Therefore, my family didn’t have enough facilities for me to continue going to school. At this time everything was falling down, I was through my life to the end. But my mom never gave up, she helped me to keep going to school. The miracle came up when an orphanage in the district 12 of Ho Chi Minh City allowed for me to come there to live and continue going to school. I am grateful for that until now. If I didn’t come to the orphanage, I think my life would turn another way, not a good way like now. In 2016, I completed my program in high school. Then I entered university, majoring in Automobile Engineering Technology (college) in 3 years. After 2 years of studying, everything was happening good but I started thinking about my career in the future after I graduate. I really didn’t like it, I spent many hours thinking about what I should do, keep going or stop learning. Finally, I decided to stop learning because I didn’t want to choose this work, I wanted to change my major and control what I want to do for my life. I feel more comfortable than when I learnt at university. So I went to find a job. I worked for a while as a driver for the company Grab. At this time I really was in love with this job because I was working without pressure, the working-time was flexible, I could work however I wanted. One more thing is that I went to a lot of places and met all kinds of people instead of just staying at the company and doing something boring. Moreover, I had the chance to meet some people who come from other countries. It allowed me to talk and learn english from them. On the whole, I was so excited with this job. Nevertheless, 6 months later, I realised that everything was not like I thought before. I asked myself “everything is good at this time or not? Do you think you will have a good future if you continue to work for Grab?”. In my mind, a lot of questions came up like “Should I continue or should I find another way for my life?”. This time was one of the most difficult times of my life. Because I thought “This job is very good but doesn't help me to have a good future, it is just suitable for someone who wants to earn money immediately and wants to live easily’’. Then I looked back at myself, I am still young and just 23 years old and also, I needed to find out what I really wanted to do for my life and what was my dream job. Finally, I decided to stop working for the company Grab and I joined LP4Y thanks to my friend who introduced me to the organisation. After one month, I stopped working. What did LP4Y bring to me I have been at LP4Y nearly eight months and my step in the program is management. I am really thankful to the LP4Y program because it helps me to improve a lot of things very important such as : English, IT, communication with foreigners, how to be professional, work with the team and manage my time, my life. It also helps me to find out which way I need to go and what is my dream. When I am learning at LP4Y, my life is stepped into the page and now I have a part-time job at Decathlon’s company. I work as a sport advisor and I love it very much. By the way, I want to say something with guys who want to join and learn at LP4Y. If you are nervous about joining this program, let it go and don’t hesitate and join. You will see something special happen to your life. Now, let's talk about my-self a little. What did LP4Y bring for me? I was a man who did not know a lot of things such as speaking in front of a group in English, communicating with foreigners and above all who I wanted to become etc. I still remember the first time, I had a chance to talk about my family, to be introduced with our team but I didn’t say anything even though I prepared myself for it before. My emotion at this time was very very scary, my mouths couldn’t open and my legs couldn’t stop shaking. But, I tried many times and with the help of the coach, the result was better and better. To summarize, I never regretted when I decided to join LP4Y and also, I received more things than I expected from LP4Y. My experience at Decathlon For nearly 3 months, I have been working as a sport advisor at Decathlon’s company. Thanks to a successful internship, the company agreed to hire me as a sport advisor for a part-time job. At the same time, I still continue to go to the center and finish my program at LP4Y. During the work time, I have many experiences that are super great. Firstly, Decathlon is one of the biggest retailer companies about sport and has stayed in over fifty countries around the world and with over 80.000 employees. I am one of them and I am very proud of this. Secondly, Decathlon is a professional and dynamic environment with a staff very kind, friendly and willing to help other people when they need it. I am so excited when I am working here. Then, Decathlon has the products to practice more than 60 sports and has reasonable prices for all kinds of people who want to buy and neither me. Moreover, they have a great service. For example, the guarantee for each product for at least 2 years and during the guarantee time, the customer is able to return the product if it has a mistake and you can change it for a new one. When I am working at Decathlon, I am learning a lot of things such as how to discuss and deal with customers and how to sell the products, learn more about the products (this last one helps me to give the best advice to the customers!). Besides, I can learn how to organize and set up the layout, change it regularly and ensure it can adapt to the demand of the customers easily. It is very helpful for my life because I can also apply it for my life. Especially when I am working at Decathlon, they teach me about the vision of the company and I think it can help me for my future. Finally, I really love my company. I hope I can work here as long as possible and I will try my best to dedicate myself to the company. Current situation For nearly 3 months, I have been working as a sport advisor at Decathlon’s company. Thanks to a successful internship, the company agreed to hire me as a sport advisor for a part-time job. At the same time, I still continue to go to the center and finish my program at LP4Y. But now I can’t keep going to work because the novel coronavirus pandemic has continued to spread across the country and with some areas going under lockdown and my company is not excepted. I will go back to work for Decathlon when the pandemic will be over. For this reason I decided to come back to my hometown and restrict myself to go out if I don’t have demand to buy something necessary. In the lockdown time, I have a lot of free time to think about my future and what I need to prepare for it. I decided to learn more about english and how to get the IELTS 6.5 score. Indeed, I would like to go abroad in the future and work there. This time is the best time to learn. Besides, I can spend more time with my family and my relatives.

  • Let's cook with the Youth!

    MYANMAR Ya Min Lae Cho, 19 years old, Management Step Life Project Center Hlaing Thar Yar, Myanmar, "My name is Ya Min Lae Cho. I am 19 years old. I live in Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon in Myanmar. I have 5 members in my family. There are my mother, my step father, my younger brother, my grandmother and me. Before LP4Y, I passed the matriculation exam. Now I am a first year student of Geology at West Yangon University (WYU). Also in LP4Y I am in Management step. I am the coordinator of the Marketing and sales Department. My skills are English speaking, Listening, writing, Computer advance, leadership and communication. My Qualities are friendly, cheerful and helping each other. My weakness is silent for my feelings. 🤐 I think this digital training is difficult for those who don't understand english basic" INDIA Tripti Dey, 20 years old, Responsibility Step Life Project Center Howrah, Kolkata, India Hello my name is Tripti Dey, I am 20 years old, I am in responsability step in LPC Howrah in Howrah Program 1. Today I decided to cook and present the recipe of Fish chope ! Ingredients : • 600 grams of Catla fish • 150 grams of prawn • 700 grams of potato • 4 piece onion finely chopped • 1 teaspoon of Ginger and 1 teaspoon of garlic paste • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder • 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds and 2 dry red chilli • 2 eggs • 200 grams of cornflour • 100 grams of flour • Salt • 200 grams of bread crumbs • 1 teaspoon of Garam Masala • White oil for deep fry Steps : • Rub the piece of fish with turmeric powder and some salt. Keep it for 10 minutes. • Heat the mustard oil in a pan and cut the potatoes and add them in hot oil and fry them for 5 minutes. • In the remaining oil add the fish and fry each side for 3 minutes . Remove those in a plate and scramble them with a fork and remove the bone. • In the remaining oil, add cumin seeds and dry red chilli. • Then add chopped onion. Fry for 2 minutes. • After that, add garlic and ginger paste. Cook for 2 minutes. • Add the turmeric powder and red chilli powder and some salt. • Add crumbled fish and fried potatoes and mash them. Mix this very well for 2 minutes. • Then add the Garam Masala and mix it well. • Let this mixture come to room temperature. • Then give them any small shape. • Take a bowl. Beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt. • Then add the cornflour in that bowl and mix well with eggs for the butter. • Now dip one part in the butter and then roll it in bread crumbs. • Again dip it in the butter and coat it with the bread crumbs. • Let those coated patties rest for 10 minutes in the fridge. • Then fry those one by one in hot white oil for 3 minutes. • Remove them in a tissue paper. Kajal Giri, Autonomy Step, Life Project Center Howrah, Kolkata, India Hello, my name is Kajal Giri, I am in Autonomy step in Howrah Program 2, in LPC Howrah. Today I suggest you a sweet recipe, very easy and not a lot of ingredients ! Let’s cook Payas from vermicelli ! Recipe of Vermicelli Ingredients :- (i)1 Packet Vermicelli (ii)2 Packets of half kg milk (iii)500 gram sugar (iv)50 gram ghee (v)50 gram cashew (vi) 50 gram currant. 1st step - First step we shall fry the vermicelli with the ghee in the pot for 10 minutes until it becomes a little bit red colour. 2nd step - Boil milk for at least 10 minutes in another pot. 3rd step - After That put the fried vermicelli into the boiled milk. And switch off the gas. 4th - After that put the sugar, cashewnut & currant into the milk. After That stir the whole mixture with a ladle. Now the food is ready to serve😋😋😋😋

  • Departures should be sudden

    [English version below] Romain Maillu, Coach Source of Life, LPC Cilincing, Jakarta La crise sanitaire mondiale menace Kampung Sawah, le bidonville indonésien de Romain. Suivez avec son carnet de bord l’impact du Coronavirus dans les quartiers pauvres. Les départs devraient être soudains. Le 21 mars 2020 Sarah fait ses affaires. Elle s’en va. La décision a été prise aujourd’hui. Elle n'emporte avec elle qu’un petit sac qu’elle prendra en cabine. Elle ne souhaite pas perdre de temps, chaque seconde compte. Sous assistance respiratoire de 4 mois à 6 ans, la petite enfance de Sarah fut marquée par le bruit d’aspirateur de la ventilation mécanique, son éternelle compagne. Bien qu’à 18 ans, l’âge de tous les possibles, son asthme se soit stabilisé, elle prend aujourd'hui encore 6 médicaments par jour pour éviter des complications. Seulement voilà : le Coronavirus est une grippe qui peut retourner sa veste. Dans cet ouragan d’informations sans fin, les quelques faits que j’arrive à saisir - comme le pêcheur attrape une sardine dans un banc de maquereau - laissent présager qu’avec des problèmes pulmonaires le Covid-19 peut vous conduire en réanimation. Or, la réanimation en Indonésie, c’est un peu comme les amis en politique : ça existe mais il ne faut pas trop s’y fier. Elle a pris le premier vol qu’elle a trouvé. 2 escales : Hong-Kong et Les Emirats arabes unis, avant d’arriver à Lyon. Sarah ne savait pas que Hong-Kong était la région la plus grande et la plus peuplée de la république populaire de Chine, ou peut-être qu’au fond elle s’en doutait, mais qu’elle avait décidé de chasser cette idée de sa tête. Le plus gros risque, c’était de rester en Indonésie. L’ambassade nous a contacté : les vols pour la France seront bientôt limités aux longs courriers commerciaux pour une durée indéterminée. Vacanciers, rentrez vite : il est venu le temps de la raison. Adieu Bali ; bonjour Bercy. Expatriés, vous avez choisi une vie de princes, loin de la monotonie, parisienne - Métro, boulot, dodo - restez. Vous allez la vivre, l’aventure, chez vous, en quarantaine, au bord de la piscine. Si vous fermez bien vos portails - barrières infranchissables de vos prisons dorés - et que vous renvoyez les domestiques, les risques d’attraper le virus sont approximativement les mêmes qu’en France. Et les volontaires dans tout cela ? Nous sommes partis avec l’idée de sauver la veuve et l'orphelin… Le fantasme prend une tournure inattendue et déroutante. Nous ne vivons pas dans de belles maisons, dans les quartiers riches de la ville, proches des hôpitaux privés et d’une population connectée au monde qui prend conscience de l’urgence et réagit à coup de gestes barrières et de quarantaines. Nous sommes dans les quartiers pauvres où il est inconcevable de s’enfermer seul chez soi car ici l’union fait la force. Que va-t-il nous arriver ? Je pourrais tirer des plans sur la comète, et je le ferais très certainement par la suite - il faut bien s’occuper - mais pour l’instant, je regarde par ma fenêtre le soleil se coucher sur Kampung Sawah, le bidonville dans lequel je vis. Les enfants jouent dans la rue et font brûler, dans un petit brasier, les morceaux de plastique qui jonchent le sol. Leur mère les regarde d’un oeil occupée. Une éponge à la main, elle frotte le scooter familial. Il y a 50 ans, elle lui aurait donné du foin tout en lui caressant la croupe. Le scooter est une bête increvable. Sur son dos, il porte des familles entières, sans jamais gémir, et quand bien même cela arrive, vous lui donnez un gorgée de gasoline et il repart au galop. Alors qu’elle nous annonçait sa décision, le sel a coulé sur les joues de Sarah. Je n’ai pas su réagir. Généralement, quand les émotions jaillissent chez mon interlocuteur, je cherche méthodiquement à adopter la “bonne” attitude. J’essaie de me téléporter dans la personne concernée. De me mettre à sa place, en quelque sorte. Faire preuve d'empathie. L’équation me semble assez simple : nous sommes tous des êtres humains et, malgré nos différences, nous avons une ligne de conduite commune. Romain, comment aimerais-tu que les autres réagissent face à toi ? Et là, mon théorème s’écroule. A la place de Sarah, je prendrais la fuite pour exprimer ma peine en silence. Intérieurement, en quelque sorte. Ce qui, en vue de principes physiques et psychiques assez évidents, n’est pas une bonne idée. C’est un coup à se remplir et à la moindre différence de pression : exploser. J’en conviens. Toujours est-il que Sarah est triste et moi tout autant désemparé. Elle est partie dire au revoir aux jeunes des bidonvilles que nous accompagnons dans le cadre de notre mission de volontariat. Elle a découpé des photos - instants volés au temps qui passe - qu’elle leur donne. Ces jeunes, nous partageons leur quotidien depuis maintenant 8 mois. Quand ils apprennent la nouvelle, une vague froide leur mord le visage. Des départs, ils en ont connu : une petite soeur qui ne soufflera jamais sa première bougie, un frère qui travaille loin pour nourrir sa famille, des parents partis en les laissant un matin sur le perron d’une voisine... Dans cette situation, ce sont eux qui prennent soin de nous. Avec un anglais hésitant dont ils connaissaient à peine quelques mots il y a encore 2 mois, ils essaient de nous réconforter. Et c’est diablement efficace. Je m’assieds et les regarde faire, admiratif. Nous essayons de leur apprendre les compétences recherchées par les entreprises pour qu’ils trouvent un emploi stable et décent. Nos enseignements me semblent biens futiles à présent. Aujourd’hui, c’est moi qui prend la leçon. The global health crisis threatens Kampung Sawah, the Indonesian slum of Romain. With his logbook, follow the impact of the Coronavirus in the poor neighbourhoods. Departures should be sudden. March 21, 2020 Sarah's packing. She's leaving. The decision was made today. All she's taking with her is a small bag that she'll take with her to the cabin. She doesn't want to waste time, every second counts. Under respiratory assistance from 4 months to 6 years, Sarah's early childhood was marked by the sound of the vacuum cleaner of mechanical ventilation, her eternal companion. Although at the age of 18 years old, the age of all possibilities, her asthma stabilized, she still takes 6 medications a day to avoid complications. But here's the thing: Coronavirus is a flu that can turn her coat. In this never-ending hurricane of information, the few facts that I manage to grasp - like a fisherman catches a sardine in a mackerel bank - suggest that with lung problems Covid-19 can lead you to resuscitation. But resuscitation in Indonesia is a bit like friends in politics: it does exist, but you can't rely on it too much. She took the first flight she could find. Two stopovers: Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates, before arriving in Lyon. Sarah didn't know that Hong Kong was the largest and most populated region of the People's Republic of China, or maybe she suspected it, but decided to put it out of her mind. The biggest risk was staying in Indonesia. The embassy contacted us: flights to France will soon be limited to long commercial couriers for an indefinite period of time. Tourists, come home quickly: it's time to come to your senses. Farewell Bali; hello Bercy. Expatriates, you have chosen a life of princes, far from the monotony, Parisian - Metro, work, sleep - stay. You are going to live it, the adventure, at home, in quarantine, next to the pool. If you close your gates - the impassable barriers of your gilded prisons - and send the servants away, the risks of catching the virus are approximately the same as in France. And the volunteers ? We left with the idea of saving the widow and the orphan... The fantasy takes an unexpected and confusing turn. We don't live in beautiful houses, in the richer parts of the city, close to private hospitals and a population connected to the world that becomes aware of the urgency and reacts with barrier gestures and quarantines. We are in the poor neighbourhoods where it is inconceivable to lock ourselves up alone in our homes, because here unity is strength. What is going to happen to us? I could draw plans on the comet, and I will most certainly do so later - we have to keep busy - but for the moment, I am looking out my window at the sunset over Kampung Sawah, the slum where I live. The children are playing in the street and burning the pieces of plastic on the ground in a small fire. Their mother watches them with a busy eye. With a sponge in her hand, she rubs the family scooter. Fifty years ago, she would have given him hay while stroking his rump. The scooter is a puncture-proof beast. It carries whole families on its back, without ever moaning, and even when it does, you give it a sip of gasoline and it gallops away. As she was announcing her decision, salt ran down her cheeks. I didn't know how to react. Usually, when emotions flare up in my interlocutor, I methodically try to adopt the "right" attitude. I try to teleport myself into the person concerned. Put myself in their shoes, as it were. To show empathy. The equation seems pretty simple to me: we are all human beings and, despite our differences, we have a common course of action. Romain, how would you like others to react to you? And then my theorem falls apart. If I were Sarah, I would run away to express my sorrow in silence. On the inside, as it were. Which, in view of some fairly obvious physical and psychic principles, is not a good idea. It's a way to fill up and at the slightest difference in pressure, explode. I agree. Still, Sarah is sad and I'm just as distraught. She left to say goodbye to the young people from the slums that we accompany as part of our volunteer mission. She cut out photos - moments stolen from the passing of time - that she gives them. These young people, we have been sharing their daily life for 8 months now. When they hear the news, a cold wave bites their faces. They have experienced departures: a little sister who will never blow out her first candle, a brother who works far away to feed his family, parents who left them one morning on a neighbour's porch... In this situation, they are the ones who take care of us. With a hesitant spoken english whom they barely knew a few words about two months ago, they try to comfort us. And it's devilishly effective. I sit and watch them do it, admiring. We try to teach them the skills that companies need to find a stable and decent job. Our teachings seem to me to be quite futile now. Today, I am the one taking the lesson.

  • What coronavirus changed for the Youth? #1

    James Cerilo,18yo, Responsibilty Step Life Project Center Taguig, Philippines (on the right on the picture) “I am worried to forget how to speak English now the center is closed” Can you introduce yourself? I am James Cerilo, I am 18 years old and I started LP4Y in December 2019. I live in Maliwanang, Taguig, with all my family. We are twelve in total. What did you feel when you learned the Philippines would be in quarantine? Did you have some questions / fears? I received a quarantine pass so it was ok for me to go where I want. And I was not afraid because I saw a lot of policemen and soldiers in the street to take care of the people. How did you know about the lock down? I watched Duterte’s speech announcing the lockdown at the TV with my family, it was a very long speech! And after I talked about it with my friends. How did you feel when you learned that the LP4Y center will close? Very sad, because I did not want to “stand by” in my house all day long. I felt sad because I knew I would have no more training and tasks to do. Since I started LP4Y I have a lot of new ideas, I have learned new skills and I speak English. I am afraid to forget how to speak English since I do not practice it at home. Did you have money and food at home when the lockdown was announced? No, we did not have food stocks at home. But as they said “stay at home” we went to the shops to buy rice, meat, cans... and have some reserves. Sometimes the Barangay come to my area and distribute food package but it is not enough for 12 people so we still have to buy food by ourselves. Now it is the lockdown, do you ration food? No, we still eat as much as we need and we do not miss food. The sari-sari are still open, I can go to buy milk for my little sisters and rice for my family. What are you doing at home during quarantine? I help my mother to clean the house, cook, wash the clothes... and I do the tasks that coach Iris assigned us on our notebook. What is the atmosphere in your area? Did you notice things that have changed? The prices have increased a lot in the sari-sari. They are still open because if there is no food, nobody could eat so they take profit on the situation and increase the prices. I also have to stay at home and respect the curfew to not spread the virus. Sometimes I see my friends in the morning but I usually go home at noon and I sleep a lot to pass the time. What coronavirus changed for you and your relatives? I do not “stand by” outside with my friends anymore. Now I stay at home the most possible to avoid having the coronavirus so I spend more time with my family. Because of the quarantine my step father lost his job so we have to save money and be more careful about our expenses.

  • "Our message to you" from the Green Village Kathmandu

    The Youth of the Green Village Kathmandu prepared an important message for you. Listen to them and let you guide… We are all the Voices of LP4Y, prepared and armed to change our life. Today let be Strong Together ! Muna Rasaili,17 years old, Menuka Baral, 20 years old, Rashmi Tamang, 23 years old, Sabina Tamang, 18 years old, Rita Kami, 23 years old, Bina BK, 20 years old, Babita Tamang, 19 years old, Sarsawati Soren, 26 years old, Sabitri Basnet, 20 years old, Sabina Magatri, 22 years old, Shreejana Nagarkoti, 18 years old, Unisha Rai, 18 years old.

  • Testimonies of the Youth from Green Village Raipur - Batch #1

    Sagar SAHU (Sagar Sahu, 24 yo, ECO Group company): one of the most stable Youth, since one year and a half working with one of our most important partner in Raipur, Gurteg SINGH. He is 24 years old and works in Sales and Marketing at Sleepwell in Raipur. "Before starting LP4Y I was working in horticulture nursery as a gardener and also was taking skill development training. During the training, coaches from LP4Y came to our center and described about LP4Y. I decided to join. I will always remember my first day at LP4Y. I couldn't understand anything, but day by day I improved a lot. I achieved one of my dreams. I learnt a lot of things, not only English and Computer skills but also professionalism, management, and human skills. Now I would be able to handle all types of challenges. Because I know that I can find solutions from challenges. I was production manager in ECO Group. I learnt how to do our work by schedule in short period and do step by step. What I must like in GV pedagogy is that all coaches encouraged and motivated me every day. They are inspiring to me and now I will do everything in my life with confidence."

  • My dream job is to give job

    Rohit Gupta, 20 years old, Management Step, Howrah Program 2, LPC Howrah, Kolkata, India My name is Rohit Gupta, I am 20 years old, I am a HP2 member in LPC Howrah, I am in Management step and I was part of the first 3 youth to join the team in June 2019! My dream job is actually to give job. During this lockdown time, I do social work. My family has a little restaurant shop. I give food outside and I am very happy to do this kind of work. One day we gave food to maximum 200 people at the same time ! We distribute the food 5 times per week, this is to help our area and the people living close to my house. My team of friends is collecting all the money for food purchase : 300kg of rice, 200kg of potato and 25kg of dal and we pack it and distribute it after. My family is also involved and helps me and sometimes I even try to ask LP4Y Youth in this kind of work ! To prepare all this, I can stay at home for two days only to cook ! Otherwise, when I have free time I clean my little garden, I play some games and I talk to my friend. My request is : please everybody stay home and stay safe, without a good reason don’t go outside ! Thank you !

  • Let's go on an adventure from your couch

    - Pathan Project [43min] - French - English Subtitles. THE PATHAN PROJECT is the story of four friends who explored the remote (and recently opened) valleys of Pakistan, places where few to no westerners have ever set foot! The “Petit plus” : a nice team of fellows, with a particular sense of humour. Nice complicity with the Pakistani holders who follow them.Amazing film directing and landscape as well. - The seawolf [43min] - English Described as a “cold water nonsense” movie. Beautiful pictures of the sea and the dance of the surfboard on the waves. The “Petit Plus” : The soudtracks !! New jazzy vibes along the swell and the waves. - RISE [13min] - English To The North Face’s Jacopo Larcher, Northern Italy’s ‘Tribe’ represents not only his longest and most demanding project to date, but a six-year evolution from trad newcomer to one of the most versatile and accomplished climbers in the world. And yet, despite opening this 30-metre punisher – a line hidden in the woodlands of Cadarese and that is argued to be the hardest single-pitch climb on Earth The “Petit Plus” : Short film to watch to take a break during your day or for breakfast ! - The Last Honey Hunter [35min] - English In the steep mountain jungles of Nepal’s Hongu river valley, members of the isolated Kulung culture have risked their lives for generations scaling dangerous cliffs to collect a wild and toxic honey. Deep and dark, the film glides through a misty world of forest spirits, dreams, and woodsmoke to share the story of the leader of the harvest and his final journey. The “Petit Plus” : Breathtaking portraits and extra-ordinary testimonies ! - Flying Frenchies, Surf the line [60min] - French è English Subtitles Have you ever dreamed of surfing in the sky? To experience this ultimate sensation of freedom and limitless movement? The Flying Frenchies did it! Surf the Line is an immersive documentary that tells the behind the scenes story of a wild and crazy project, which required two years of preparation, complex calculations, the creation of a kilometer-long cable and a custom surfboard to the delight of our imagination! In order to live this extraordinary adventure, it was necessary to overcome the most difficult tests of life, self doubt, and engage in deep reflection. Extreme sports, buffoonery, genuine inventions and a lifestyle close to nature: plunge into the extreme and bohemian universe of the Flying Frenchies ! The “Petit Plus” : The craziness and the virtuosity of these “circaciens” will definitely make you addicted to their adventure ! - Dug out [52 min] - English - French Subtitles The film covers the two month trip, documenting their time in the Huaorani community as they built a dugout canoe, then the journey downstream through Ecuador's Yasuni region - one of the most biodiverse areas of the world. To see the movie, follow the following steps : 1. Connect to your VIMEO account, or create one.Connectez-vous à votre compte Vimeo (ou créer un compte si vous n’en avez pas, c’est obligatoire pour visionner mais c’est gratuit) 2 . Click on the link and click on “Buy it”/ You can then add the discount code : DUGOUTFREE The “Petit Plus” : English sense of humor! - ZABARDAST [54 min] - French - English Subtitles The intimate travel diary of an incredible Freeride expedition into the heart of the Karakoram range. The search for one of the most beautiful mountains to ski on the planet, standing at 5880m. An adventure so remote, so high, so committed that no mistakes were allowed. During five weeks, the crew pushed deeper and deeper inside Pakistan, with a 150 km loop in complete autonomy, pulling sleds filled with food, tents and solar panels across gigantic glaciers. As far from home as one can get. A meeting point of Freeriding and Mountaineering. A true adventure. - Liv along the way [22min] - English Since she first summited Mont Blanc as a teen, Liv Sansoz knew she would make her life in the mountains. She was twice crowned World Champion in sport climbing, and eventually expanded her professional horizons to mixed climbing, ski mountaineering, and base jumping. In 2017, at 40 years old, Liv set out from her base in Chamonix, France to attempt to climb all 82 4000m peaks in the European Alps in a single year. As she’s learned several times throughout her life, things don’t always go as planned. The “Petit plus” : Very inspiring testimony showing us that body is not even a limit ! - Rêves d'himalaya [12min] - French - English Subtitles The Great Himalaya Trail and its 90,000 meters of positive altitude difference: "I wanted to cross Nepal by one of its highest and hardest tracks: the Great Himalaya Trail, and show the other side of the story, its fauna, flora but also its nomadic and semi-nomadic populations. The cold, the altitude, the lack of food, the difficulty of supply make it one of the most preserved places in the world but one of the most hostile. The nature is authentic, wild. On the program then, not far from 2000 km, 90 000 meters of positive altitude difference by bike and on foot because you don't cross peaks at more than 5000 meters with the bike on your back with ease, at least not me..." The “Petit plus” : Short film to watch to take a break during your day or for breakfast ! - KAMTCHATKA,la chevauchée sauvage [52min] - French Du début de l’été à l’automne, les deux aventuriers, Themo Anargyros et Julien Mavier, voyageront à cheval, emportant avec eux près de 200 kilos de matériel pour vivre en autonomie. Ils espèrent rejoindre la rivière Itcha, particulièrement chargée en saumons, pour observer et filmer des ours bruns sauvages. Au cours de leur périple, ils rencontrent des chasseurs, des éleveurs de rennes, des pêcheurs qui vont leur permettre d’en apprendre davantage sur les ours et sur la vie au Kamchatka. The “Petit PLus” : La relation d’amitié avec les éleveurs de rennes et leur guide russe, très touchante ! - BOMB’HÉROS, l’Amérique du Sud à Vélo [50 min] - French " Bomb’Heros, c’est le défi que se lancent Maelle et Pierrick : explorer l’Amérique du Sud à vélo en s’imprégnant de la force de ces hommes et de ces femmes engagés qui portent secours au quotidien, les bomberos (pompiers en espagnol). - Metrophobia [32min] - French - English Subtitles One photo… Far away, a colossal wall looms on the horizon. The west face of the Tommelfinger. Why has such a huge wall never been climbed ? Fueled by curiosity, a French-Swiss team embarks on a 170 km journey through the Greenland fjords to go investigate. With little information, only at the foot of the mountain do they discover the 2000m face guarded by an ugly looking serac. Isolated, they trust their instincts and start climbing…

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