November Meetings in Europe encountered great successes.
Boards Members from LP4Y Alliance
Europe (France, Luxembourg and England)
Romain Joly, President of LP4Y Lille
Lille’s November meeting was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with all our sympathizers. Unfortunately, we could not rub shoulders as we normally do in convivial events. Therefore, it truly was a happy moment for us to meet them again virtually at this november meeting, as well as our most devoted and generous partners in Hauts de France! We were particularly touched by the variety of testimonies from Youths, catalysts and partners! The positivity and excitement coming from the field surely gave some energy to all participants!
Louise Benjamin, LP4Y Luxembourg
It was a great honour to become part of an awe inspiring worldwide team in 2020. LP4Y Luxembourg has made me so welcome and gives so much joy to so many people. I attended the Luxembourg annual event in November for LP4Y Luxembourg members, donors, sponsors and friends to learn about the Covid 19 crisis impact on LP4Y and initiatives to sustain its projects. I feel for the many young volunteers on the field whose plans are disrupted but have nonetheless persevered with their work to offer so much hope to disadvantaged young people. I feel for the youth enrolled or wanting to enrol in projects whose studies are disrupted and the shock of going from a stable future to the absolute fear of not even having basic needs. Closer to home, in the land of milk and honey of Luxembourg, it is pertinent that LP4Y sees how it can support disadvantaged young people. I have often thought that modern life will fail many young people and it is heartening to hear of the plans and ideas for Agora 4 Youth.
After the Luxembourg meeting I reflected on how resilient the human race is. Whatever catastrophe the world throws at LP4Y it keeps going taking each day as it comes as well as keeping an eye on the ever moving target!
Angelica Belli, LP4Y England
The meeting took a lot of preparation and it was great to collaborate with board members and volunteers from many different LP4Y locations. During the meeting, it was great to hear so many different perspectives, see how people used their skills and passion to come up with creative ways to support LP4Y such as the Eden Blue project, and feel the contagious energy and motivation that our attendees brought to the call!