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YIN: connecting corporations with Young talents

Alexia Gaube and Geerlie

Corporate actors are the key players when it comes to the professional integration of excluded Youth. If it might be perceived as a challenge at first sight, it becomes a long-term strength for every company, when implemented with the adapted settings.

Initiated by LP4Y and different corporate actors, the Youth Inclusion Network (YIN) started in 2015 with the clear objective to support the corporate world in finding solutions to efficiently act for the professional inclusion of excluded Youth. Today, we are an international network of 52 companies, committed to and convinced by the inclusion of Youth from underprivileged backgrounds.

> Changing the lives of excluded Youth <

The YIN connects corporations with Young talents and supports members in the creation of initiatives and life-changing opportunities for the Youth. We are linked with more than 75 organisations working with excluded Youth. Despite Covid and uncertainties, the network has been particularly active in 2021, with 2660 Youth supported through 353 professional activities, including 78 jobs & internships, a global impact that doubled since 2020.

In 2022, the YIN is ready to reach new milestones, supporting companies in all their inclusion initiatives, from preparation to final integration. New options have been created such as the global Youth webinar, which gathered 133 Youth for its first edition in January. This year, the members will also get the opportunity to impact thousands of Youth over the years, from the created activities and shared insights.

> Increasing collaborations between companies <

Collaboration between corporate actors is at heart of YIN’s missions, and the network organises different sharing moments between members, to discuss a large variety of topics, including CSR programs and HR policies.

2022 started with an international webinar, and members will meet again among physical workshops, webinars and networking events, to receive special training sessions, share experiences and best practices, build solid relationships and champion Youth inclusion together.

> Creating a global movement for an inclusive society <

Starting from 5 members in the Philippines, the network now includes 52 companies in 5 countries (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, The Philippines and Vietnam). The global interest in the initiative and expertise of the network already led the YIN to share across worldwide events in 2021.

In 2022, the YIN will open its doors to companies from all over the world, for them to benefit from our knowledge and to impact Youth at global and local levels. The network will also participate in international CSR and Youth inclusion events. We will be, for instance, delighted to meet some of you at ChangeNow Paris in May, the world's largest gathering of solutions for a sustainable world.

> Become the next Youth Inclusion champion <

Joining the YIN is free, our members only commit to organising one activity (mock interview, company visit, training & testimony, professional opportunity) a year for the Youth. A single opportunity from a company can make a huge difference and professional inclusion in the decent world is the game-changer. This is what reminded Gerlie, former LP4Y Youth, currently working at EuroAsia Executive Search Inc - EESI (YIN Philippines), during our last international webinar. Gerlie wanted to deliver a message to the corporate world, describing some of the reasons why companies should consider Youth inside your team, hoping that other Youth will get the chance to show their talents and change their lives too.

If you want to be part of the change and of a network of companies unified under the same goals, to be at the heart of impactful projects and to be supported in their achievement, to inspire and get inspired, to have a decisive impact on the lives of excluded Youth and create a sustainable impact in your society, contact the YIN and let’s start working together for the future of the Youth!

For more information:



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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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