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Reviving dreams: How LP4Y helped me discover my passion

Min Khant Aung portrait

My name is Min Khant Aung. I am one of the Youth from LP4Y in Yangon, Myanmar.

Before I joined LP4Y, I didn't know what my dream job was and I lost my passion. In the past I dropped out from school and I didn't learn anything at that time. I lost my passion and I don’t know my career and what my dream job is. I was trying to learn the Korean language, but it was not ok for me and I am not interested in that language. But I learnt because I don’t know my passion and I was trying to find my career. But that was not working, I got depressed and stressed. That time was the worst time in my life. Within my family, I had many family problems and teenage problems. At that time I wanted to go away from my family and I lost my dream, which was to

become a professional artist.

One day, my friend told me about community training for the LP4Y program. He told me I can join this community training. I was interested, so I came to the center and I joined the training.

That training was very fun and I was very interested in this program. I asked about this program, and the current Youths explained it to me. I decided to join. First day of discovery week, I was a little bit bored and my interest was a little bit lost. But I came on the second day also. That day was very different. I thought this program is very good for Youths. So I thought I should join this program and then I joined.

I got a lot of challenges at the autonomy step like communication, English speaking, using the computer and many other things. But I was motivated at that time because the Youths are very good at communication and all the Youths helped me. So I always come to the center and I am never absent.

I got a lot of experience from this program and I got a lot of knowledge about time management, saving money and managing money. The biggest change was time management, because I was always late to the center. The Coaches always talked to me to be professional and to manage my time and what the solution was to arrive on time. And I tried to arrive on time but I was late every day. That’s why the Coaches told me, if I was in a company they would not allow that behaviour and they would fire me. They told me to write a motivation letter and cut my allowance for the whole day. At that time I understood and I tried to arrive on time the next day. That worked for me and I arrived on time that day. And then I was never late to come to the center and my time management was good from that time.

The training was very good for me and I got a lot of experience, knowledge and I changed myself to be a professional person and to be a good citizen. The LP4Y program changed everything for me. Now my communication skills, English skills and public speaking skills have improved. I am more confident and more professional than before. The LP4Y program impacted me too much and changed me. Now I am in a responsible step and I learnt many things from this program. This is the best experience for me.

Coach Aung Kyaw Oo said “Stay in the Present and think about the Future. But don’t forget the Past.” That is my favorite advice.

Now, I am trying to go to the future, I discovered my passion and I already found my dream job. My dream job is to become a professional Artist. Now, I am going to my dream and I committed to myself to focus on that dream.


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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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