Youth from Digi'Women1and Digi'Women 2, TDC Bengaluru, India
Hello everyone, we are the Digi’women in Bengaluru and we wanted to tell you some Information about the community trainings we are currently giving for the community in DJ Halli, the neighbor where our LP4Y center is located in Bangalore :
What? In LP4Y we are giving basic computer training like Gmail, drive, PowerPoint, typing, google apps, google slides etc., we also train youth to communicate in English because all our training is given in English.
Who? We provide training to the Youth from the community, only women Youth give computer training to improve their skills and the public is only women from 17 to 80 years old, who are educated or uneducated.

Why? We receive knowledge in LP4Y, that’s why we choose to forward this knowledge to the community women who are interested in. We help them to develop their skills to build a better future, we help them to manage their time in a proper way as well.
When? We give training Thursday and Saturday twice in a week from 3:00 pm to to 5:00 pm
Where? In LP4Y center near Dj Halli Street, block bangalore-45
What are our challenges ?
* to motivate people to join
* to be professional
* to be on time
* to teach training to the community
* to make them understand clearly
* to do a good promotion and to explain to the community
* To make the center professional in terms of decoration and display.
LP4Y is the first step to achieve our goals!
Thank you coaches for teaching us computer training, we will now share the knowledge with the rest of the community.
