Arnab Roy, Senior Manager at Capgemini, Mumbai, India
Shalini Sharma, 21 yo, Management Step, LPC Howrah, Kolkata, India
Suraj Pashwan, 18 yo, Responsibility Step, LPC Pahar Ganj, Delhi, India
From October 6 to 9, LP4Y participated for the first time in the Impact Together Week of Capgemini - a week during which Capgemini employees participate in CSR actions.
In the Philippines, Capgemini teams gave 11 mock interviews but also provided 2 training (“How to ace a job interview” & “How to create a professional resume”) to more than 80 LP4Y Youth.
In India, 75 LP4Y Youth from Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata benefited from digital mock interviews given by 117 Indian Capgemini volunteers.
With these digital mock interviews, and training sessions, Capgemini employees help the Youth to be prepared for their job search and future professional integration. This project was a success both for the Youth - who received many tips to hone their interview skills - as well as the Capgemini employees who were able to share their experience and expertise.
Dear Capgemini volunteers!
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to practice our interview skills. Your recommendations were amazing and we learned a lot about how to be prepared for our future interviews. Your tips about how to achieve goals will be very helpful. We learned how to answer questions and how to look confident in front of the camera. Thank you for all of this. We hope to do this again soon.
The LP4Y Youth teams from Delhi: Khazana 1 & Khazana 2, Yummy Sweet & Yummy Salty The LP4Y Youth teams from Mumbai: Lifeline 1 & Lifeline 2 The LP4Y Youth teams from Bangalore: Digi' Women 1 & Digi'Women 2 The LP4Y Youth teams from Chennai: CCC1 & CCC2 The LP4Y Youth from Kolkata: HP1 & HP2 from Howrah

" Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to have this interview. I learnt many skills including creating a resume and preparation for the meeting.You have shown me how I should present myself in an interview and to be ready for the type of question which will be ask in an interview.You have told me that I should present myself confidently, to answer politely to the questions asked and that before I appear for a job interview I have to do researches about the company and the department I want to work in.You have encouraged me that I can do my best and not to give up. Once again thank you so much for taking my interview."
“Unique and effective. The program enables the Youth to learn the necessities to get going and becoming independent. What's amazing is that they support the Youth (financially) so that they can commute to LP4Y center. They put the Youth's vital papers like AAdhar, Pan etc. in order. Coming to think of it , these are the basic necessities to be employable. I never thought of it this way.
The orientation and the mock interview both were great. They taught me stuff I never realized. The program is so similar to the work Nobel laureates Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo do through randomized control trials. Amazing- keep it up.”

“I learn to improve my body language, professional clothes and I improve my English spoken. I improved my knowledge of jobs and I improved my confidence. I learnt lots from the advice of the interviewer. He said: “your biggest advantage is that you are a really hard worker and you will make your dreams come true”. He helped me to prepare/search for a job and which kind of job. He asked me “where would you like to see yourself after 5 years?” I explained my life project plan to him and after he was very happy. Thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity.”