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Diversifying mobilization strategies to train more Youth in Jakarta

It is undeniable that recruiting Youth for professional training is not an easy job. There are so many challenges that Catalyst and Youth face in the field. Cliched factors such as lack of parental approval, huge demands to immediately look for any job as long as it makes money and as well as lack of confidence in themselves.

Despite the difficulties, Catalyst and Youth did not give up on innovating and diversifying the mobilization strategies to train more Youth. After discussing with several Catalysts regarding best practices and getting some input from Indonesian NGO partners, the team tried to "adjust" to the culture and needs of the target, the Youth. We now have 3 projects of mobilization in Jakarta such as LP4Y goes to School, Job Fair and NGO collaboration events.

LP4Y Goes to School

In fact, unequal education and unpreparedness to train a work-ready young generation, makes the “LP4Y goes to School” project one of the mobilization strategies in the educational sector. LP4Y collaborates with several schools whose education participants come from underprivileged families in North Jakarta.

The "LP4Y goes to school" project offers one-day professional training to students/alumni in schools, such as English for professional purposes, or resume-making. The training is adjusted to the needs of each school but always related to professional preparation.

In May 2023, more than 50 active students and alumni gathered for a one-day English training (game/brainstorming) and shared dream session led by Youth from LP4Y Jakarta at SMK 3 Strada. The high enthusiasm showed that the Youth succeeded in carrying out its activities well.

Job Fair

Convinced that LP4Y is the perfect-alternative place for Youth to develop their potential, skills and readiness to enter the professional world, we also started actively participating in job fairs.

The high enthusiasm of Youth and Catalyst in promoting LP4Y at job fairs, alongside several well-known companies, catches the attention of applicants who come to the booth easily. Catalysts provide free consultation sessions for job seekers regarding resumes and job application documents.

This job fair activity is very helpful for LP4Y Jakarta in developing networks, building recognition among the community and showcasing Youth's project management skills.

NGO Collaboration

LP4Y is not the only organization working in the field of Youth inclusion in Jakarta, there are several other social organizations spread across the slums. With the same vision and mission to fight poverty and provide unlimited opportunities for the younger generation, we decided to organize a collaborative event with various NGO that focus on improving Youth’s skills.

With this project, Youth from different backgrounds can meet and inspire each other. In June, LP4Y had the opportunity to collaborate with the Red Nose Foundation, Jesuit Refugees Service and Refugees Learning Nest in organizing a joint sports activity. The collaboration was very well received by many partners in Jakarta.

We believe that the more we are involved in activities in sectors that are directly impacting the community (education, health, etc.), the more people will trust LP4Y pedagogy.



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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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