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The TDC in Jakarta finds refuge in Bogor through Arts!

Today’s adventure is about the meeting between three different groups of people: LP4Y excluded Youth, RedNose Children and young refugees from Bogor - RLN Refugees Learning Nest. This event was held on the 6th of June with the collaboration of JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service and Red Nose Foundation.

The goal of this event was to impact the refugees by raising awareness to unlock their potential in the society. Can we call it a successful event? Big yes!

You want to know more about it? Take a dive in with us! First, we invite you to dance with the 1st Zumba activity given by the Youth, followed by diverse sport activities, each of them as fun and original as the other. After a little break, sit with us for a quiz game: the best players shall be rewarded. If you are curious to learn more about the prices, make sure to join us next time… and give us the right answers! After the game, back to your feet: join the circus training from the Youth of Red Nose Foundation. Feeling a bit dizzy? Get back to your chair and enjoy the Karate show offered by the refugees.

The gathering between the various groups of Youth appeared to be natural. They discussed and played together, forgetting their differences of culture and language. A breathtaking experience, full of smiles and rhythmed by a big sharing spirit. Around 50 young refugees took part in this event. We cannot thank everyone enough for being part of it.

Thank you RLN. Thank you JRS. Thank you Red Nose Foundation. Thank you LP4Y. Thank you.



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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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