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Our fruitful interactions with the Youth

Pascaline Griffon,

Head of business services CCI France Myanmar,


My name is Pascaline Griffon, I am Head of Business Services at CCI France Myanmar. As the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FMCCI), our objectives are to support the development of our members (French, Myanmar and international companies), to help foreign companies settle in Myanmar and to develop economic relations between France and Myanmar.

LP4Y team came to us in 2019 to explain their project and to see how we could collaborate. At FMCCI, we strongly believe in equal opportunities, we think that it is also part of our objectives to help the Youth, to develop their skills and to improve their chance to have access not only to employment but to fulfilling jobs. LP4Y gave us a chance to enhance our work on those matters.

With more than 150 members, FMCCI is a great way to spread information and awareness about LP4Y. Therefore, we have sent an email to our network to present the association and give our members the opportunity to contribute to this remarkable project.

In addition, we have organized a visit of FMCCI office for the Youth, during which FMCCI team members (including myself) have made presentations in relation with our respective jobs to give the Youth some useful tips and information about recruitment, management, and marketing. After that, the Youth presented us their microbusiness projects. It was a great learning experience for both sides, and we intend to renew it as soon as the situation allows us to welcome visitors again.

Following my presentation on how to prepare a CV, a cover letter, and a job interview, I have decided to volunteer on a personal basis on weekends to help the Youth in their job research mainly by training them for job interviews. Besides preparing them, mock interviews are always a great occasion to discuss their professional projects, to see if there could be any opportunity with CCI France Myanmar’s members. Indeed, FMCCI is a good networking platform for job research and some of our members are already invested in LP4Y association by offering the Youth internships or jobs opportunities within their companies.

CCI France Myanmar has a strong focus on HR support, so we plan to develop a win-win collaboration that could be beneficial for both LP4Y and our members.



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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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