Menuka Baral, 20yo, Management Step,
Green Village Kathmandu, Nepal

I was glad to join GV. I got a chance to learn many things.I got a good platform to express myself and learn new things. Since, I have to leave my GV family. I was hardly and emotionally attached with my friends and coaches. So,I was sad to know that GV is going to close. On the other hand I was serious about corona.
Since I came back my daily routine has changed. During training we had to be ready at 8am. But now I am more relaxed. My household works are also bit different.Sometimes I go to graze cattle and cut grass. I don't work in the field. My mother and sister do. So I make food for them. In our village everything is like normal. There is no problem in farming and food. But people can't travel by bus and get anything from market. People here some are serious about corona. They are using sanitizer and masks. They don't let anyone enter their house and they also don't go to others homes. Moreover they think it can't affect villages as no one is entering in the village. The farmacy and health post are open so we get medication. I couldn't actively work on my professional integration like in the Green Village due to lockdown. But I do mapping of companies. I participate to mock interviews and I write motivation letters. I am attending guidance’s class. I think after lockdown people will have busy days because people stopped their work due to lockdown. After sometime it will be normal like before. I would like to thank everyone for supporting LP4Y and let us be the part of it. During lockdown stay home, stay safe and together we can!