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My Life Project Plan - Tway Tar La Min

Tway Tar La Min, 23yo, Management step,

Life Project Center Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon, Myanmar

My name is Tway Tar La Min. I am 23 years old and I am in Management step in the Myanmar,Yangon ,Hlaing Thar Yar LP4Y Coaching program.

When I learned that the center was closing because of the lockdown, it was unthinkable for me, I thought “What will happen to my future?”

During the lockdown, I attended Covid 19 virus volunteer program, Hlaing Thar Yar Youths network. At home, I had the responsibility of cooking, cleaning and washing the house. I also followed LP4Y digital training.

During this period, I missed Hlaing Thar Yar LP4Y center, hearing my friends laughing and lunch together with my coaches.

Now that the center is open again, my feeling is so great, I can’t wait to see my coaches and friends again.

Since the reopening we are doing MEI work by department, digital training and volunteer time the youths can come to the center. Some youths are doing computer training, some youths are doing center renovation by small groups!

For me, LP4Y is a place where I can explore my dream.

LP4Y is important for me because before LP4Y I was asking myself “Who am I? What I do like and don’t like? What are my skills, my abilities and my hobbies?”. Now, LP4Y made me discover who I really am, what I want, and most of all, LP4Y gives me an opportunity. That is why LP4Y is important to me.

At LP4Y I am working on my Life Project Plan. After LP4Y, I will find a decent job and improve step by step, so I will follow my dream which is to open my own shop.

After I get my first job I plan to save money in order to buy a place where I can set up my clothes shop.

I am still working on it. First, thanks to my LPP book, I learn how to look for a job, what I need to know and which skills I need to reach my dream job.

We also have some guidance training, which allows me to think about my personal development. The IT training helps me to work on my resume and to send a professional email to apply for a job.

Thanks to LP4Y and our partners, we can do mock interviews. I was lucky to do one with the CCI (French Chamber of commerce and industry in Myanmar). It was my first english interview. I felt very stressed but at the end I was so happy because Pascaline Griffon (Business and Marketing Manager at CCI France Myanmar) told me she could help me to find a job. It was interesting to think about questions I didn't think about before, for example imagine myself in 5 years or how to resolve problems with one of my teammates.



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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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