Description of the challenge (FR)
Cinq teams de volontaires confinés de l’association Life Project 4 Youth, passionnés et en manque de sport se sont lancés des défis!
Jeanne et Pauline, à Kathmandu (Nepal)
Clémence, Mathilde et Valentine, à Kathmandu (Nepal)
Eva, Oona, Théo et Sixtine, à Cagayan de Oro (Philippines)
Albane, Elodie, Thomas, Pauline, Manon et Gaëlle, à Raipur (Inde)
Laetitia, Taina et Clemence, à Delhi (Inde)
Leur but ?
Lever des fonds pour LP4Y a cette cagnotte
Leurs challenges ?
1.Faire 24 heures de montées d’escaliers 2. Réaliser 24 heures de parcours sportif en appartement 3. Courir un Marathon en relais sur une allée de 100 mètres, devant chez eux
4. 210 tours de course + 210 tours de parcours d’obstacle, 30 km en tout au moins!
5. Alterner des activités pour le corps et l’esprit pendant 24 heures non-stop
Description of the challenge (EN)
Five teams of confined volunteers of LP4Y, passionate and in need of sport, have decided to challenge themselves!
Jeanne and Pauline, in Kathmandu (Nepal)
Clémence, Mathilde and Valentine, in Kathmandu (Nepal)
Eva, Oona, Théo and Sixtine, in Cagayan de Oro (Philippines)
Albane, Elodie, Thomas, pauline, Manon and Gaëlle, in Raipur (India)
Laetitia, Taina and Clemence, in Delhi (India)
Their goal?
Raise funds for LP4Y at this pot
Their challenges?
24 hours of stairs climbing
24 hours of sports activities in apartment
Run a relay marathon on a 100 meters lane, in front of their home
210-laps race + 210 laps of obstacle course, at least 30km in total!
24 hours of body and brain activities
QUESTIONS to the warriors
Question to Jeanne: Why did you say “yes” for this challenge ?
Answer: Well, at first, it was just a sports session that we tried to do : one hour on the stairs, up and down, up and down, etc. At the end of the session, Pauline asked me :”what about doing it for 24 hours?”. To be honest, I dream about doing a challenge like this but I had no intention to do it in such a limited area. I wanted big spaces, green, meeting people on my way, etc. So I told her “Euh, Pauline, I love doing sport but the staircase is not the funniest place to do it, it is a bit redundant…” And then she suggested we do it for the Youth. And I was struck : of course we could do that for the Youth. They touch me so much, they teach me so many things, I feel so much love (it is the right word) for them that I can - of course - do that for them. And to make our staircase less redundant, we will even print pictures of Youth !
Question to Pauline: Which meaning does this project take for you in this time of crisis? Answer: I am a crisis management fan! Intellectually, I find this period very interesting. When the crisis started, I had started my mission as a Talent Booster for LP4Y Alliance since 2 weeks only. My role is to make sure the conditions for the Catalysts on the field are manageable. To make sure everyone knew they were listened to and that they understood the meaning of being on the field during this crisis.
The first month of crisis management was intense. The risks and uncertainty were big. Would our organisation make it through the storm? Will we be able to stay close to the Youth? Emotionally and personally I was impressed that I stay calm. As long as I knew how to be useful, it was ok. Days were long, behind my desk and on the phone. I needed to find ways to express myself, to clear my mind, to release the tension.
I did my first Ultra-trail in October. That day I ran 21 hours 60 km and close to 4000 D+ on technical trails. It was amazing and I wanted to test myself on long time exercise again. With lockdown, it’s not possible to enjoy the nearby mountains again. Could I be strong enough to do it without the motivation of being in the mountains? Maybe if it was for the Youth? Would that be a way to use my physical energy and free time to help the Youth?
We will have the answer on the 2nd of May!
Question to Valentine: What motivates you most in this challenge?
Fr : Ma motivation première réside dans le fait de relever ce challenge avec mes wonderful colocataires! Je suis super heureuse et curieuse de voir comment on va se nourrir des forces des unes et des autres pour se dépasser 24heures durant. En réalité, on a déjà commencé car un tel challenge demande de l’anticipation, une préparation, de la communication sur les réseaux sociaux. Alors toutes les 3, on s’écoute pour tirer le projet vers le haut. Aussi, savoir que 3 autres centres aux catalystes tous plus fous les uns que les autres relèvent le défis est super stimulant! Bien sur, outre l’expérience humaine super enrichissante, on ne perd pas de vue l’objectif principal : Lever des fonds pour les jeunes que l’on accompagne! Pas de JO cette année mais on a trouvé mieux pour vous à suivre ;) RDV sur insta : @ktmflatrace
ENG : My main motivation lies in taking up this challenge with my amazing roommates! I am so happy and curious to see how we are going to feed on each other's strengths to go on 24h long. In reality, we have already started because such a challenge requires anticipation, preparation, communication on social media. So all 3 of us listen to each other to pull the project up. Also, knowing that 3 other centers with catalysts, each one crazier than the other, take on the challenge is super stimulating! Of course, in addition to the super rewarding human experience, we do not forget the main objective: Raise funds for the Youths we support! No Olympic Games this year but we found better for you to follow ;) Go support us on instagram : @ktmflatrace
Question to Mathilde: Does your family / relatives support you ? Est-ce que ta famille, tes proches te soutiennent dans ce défi ?
Fr: Ma famille et mes amis m’ont toujours soutenue dans mon engagement volontaire. Etant donné la crise actuelle, ils comprennent ce défi et trouvent que c’est une super initiative ! Je suis même étonnée d’avoir autant de réactions de leur part sur notre page Instagram, de nous lancer des petits challenges sportifs à faire pour animer notre page, dans l’attente du 2 Mai.
Mon premier soutien direct sont mes deux colocs (Clémence et Valentine), puisqu’on s'entraîne ensemble, on anime la page Instagram de l'événement au fil des jours, ce qui fait monter l’excitation pour le jour J. Comme on fera le challenge ensemble, on se soutiendra mutuellement et je sais que si je faiblis a un moment, elles seront là pour me rebooster !
My family and friends have always supported me in my volunteering projects. Because of the current crises, they fully understand this challenge and find that it is a great initiative! I am even surprised to see so many reactions on our Instagram page, they send us some sports challenges to complete to animate our Instagram page, before May 2nd.
My first direct support are of course my two flatmates (Clemence and Valentine), as we train together, we post on Instagram day after day regarding this challenge, which helps to be more and more excited until the D-Day! As we are doing the challenge together, we will support each other and I know that if at one point it’s harder, they will be here to reboost me!
Question to Clemence: What is your strategy to last during 24h?
Answer: My biggest motivation to last 24h will definitely be my flatmates “Allez go go! You can do it girl!”. Even during our daily sport session we never stop pushing each other to go further. The best strategy will be to keep the same rhythm so my body won’t suffer but break the routine (24h going around the same flat, the same rooms, might definitely leave us with some psychological impact!). We planned to redecorate our flat with big motivation mottos, drawings, to project movies on our wall, to put music out louds (neighbours will be happy!). 24h in our flat is also a time to use to develop skills and knowledge! What’s better for that than Podcast! I planned to make a list of inspiring podcasts for this special day. Knowing other centers are doing this challenge in the meantime will also be a big motivation to last these 24h! Last but not least….to cook perfect snacks for our break time! Doing 4 hours of jumping jacks knowing some cookies are waiting for you in the kitchen is the best way to increase my determination.
Avec 2 colocs sur-motivées (Valentine & Mathilde), ma motivation devrait être maintenue au cours de ces 24h ! “Allez gogo! Tu peux le faire!”. Même pendant nos séances quotidiennes (enfin plutôt 1 jour sur 3…) on ne cesse jamais de s’encourager à aller plus loin. La meilleure stratégie restera de conserver un rythme régulier pour ne pas perturber mon corps tout en cassant la routine. (24h à tourner en rond dans notre appartement nous laissera quelques séquelles psychologiques !). Pour ça, nous avons décidé de redécorer l’appartement à coup de leitmotiv affichés aux murs, de dessins, de projeter des films, de mettre notre meilleure playlist (les voisins vont être ravis). Et pour ne pas utiliser ses 24h pour développer ses connaissances ? Rien de mieux qu’une bonne liste de podcasts et le tour est joué ! Savoir que d’autres centres ont rejoint le challenge est super motivant ! On a hâte de souffrir en coeur ! Le meilleur pour la fin...nous concocter un ravitaillement du tonnerre ! Faire 4 heures de jumpin jack en sachant que des cookies nous attendent dans la cuisine reste un bon moyen de maintenir notre détermination !