Duong Bang, 24 years old, Star of Bread & Smiles program, Hanoi, Vietnam

"When I was still in LP4Y, I sometimes felt very mad wondering “Why do I have to write thank-you letters?”, “Why do I have to write reports?”, “Why do I have to present this or that?”, and so many other questions. I used to get angry with a professional CV and the coaches’ encouragement while I was searching for a job.
Not until I stepped out into the wider world out there did I realize that everything they taught me in LP4Y was a valuable lesson. I could easily get a decent job when I sent the employers my CV and had an interview with them. No words can fully express my emotions when I was notified that I had passed the recruitment examination. All I can say is a heartfelt thank-you to my second family LP4Y, especially the coaches there who have always been beside me and taught me every single letter A, B, C until I can speak a complete sentence to communicate with people. Thanks to LP4Y, I now have a job as a teaching assistant at an English center with a professional working environment.
Dear my beloved LP4Y’s junior, everything you are now learning in LP4Y is the essential skills that the society out there needs. Just keep trying and supporting each other because “I can’t but together we can’’.